
Every Can Counts is a partnership between drink can manufacturers, the recycling industry, and drink brands.

We’re passionate about the infinite recyclability of drink cans and our mission is to inspire people to do the right thing with their empty cans by recycling them.  We achieve this by communicating the benefits of recycling drink cans and improving and promoting ‘on the go’ can recycling facilities.

Every Can Counts began life in the UK in 2009, and now has a presence in 19 countries across Europe.  In this time we’ve signed up thousands of organisations to the programme and inspired attendees at hundreds of events.  But we’re always hungry for more.

Our vision is for a 100% can recycling rate across Europe.  Join us on our journey, and find out how we can work together to make every can count.

Our Funding Partners

  • The Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation (Alupro) is a not-for-profit company which represents the leading aluminium packaging producers and reprocessors in the UK.


  • Ardagh Group

    Ardagh Group CPUK manufactures packaging for the world’s biggest brands and has a reputation for innovation; pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, pioneering new production methods, new design techniques and new ways to recycle and save energy.


  • Ball is a leading beverage can maker with production facilities around the world.  Ball Corporation supplies innovative, sustainable packaging solutions for beverage, food and household products, as well as aerospace and other technologies and services primarily for the U.S. government.


  • The Can Makers UK represents the UK manufacturers of beer and carbonated soft drink cans.  The organisation promotes the benefits of the drinks can and aids communications between the industry and its customers: the brewers and soft drinks manufacturers and the retailers, as well as the packaging industry, the media and consumers.
  • CPUK is part of the CanPack group of companies (CP Group), with headquarters in Krakow, Poland.  CanPack group is a leading supplier of metal and glass containers, and metal closures.www.canpack.eu
  • Crown Holdings, Inc. through its subsidiaries, is a leading supplier of packaging products to consumer marketing companies around the world.  Crown is proud to be the leader in metal packaging technology.


  • Ecosurety are a Bristol-based producer responsibility compliance scheme investing in quality recycling for packaging, WEEE and batteries in the UK.  With more than 1,000 customers, Ecosurety supports efficient and transparent investment in UK recycling projects through improved infrastructure, innovation and consumer awareness campaigns.


  • Feel Good is a range of 100% natural, great tasting, fruitful sparkling waters in plastic free packaging. That’s not all. Every drop does good too. They donate 3% of their sales to charities that support wellbeing for people and planet. Feel Good wants to give people a better choice about themselves and the world they live in. They believe when you Feel Good, everything else will follow.
  • MPMA is the lead voice of the UK metal packaging industry with direct links into a European market. Employing 60,000 people across 200 companies and producing more than 85 billion containers each year.  The Association supports and represents members’ on industry matters related to operational, regulatory and environmental issues.  In addition, the work of the association promotes the benefits of metal packaging and the sustainable attributes of steel and aluminium through education programmes, industry awards and relevant communication channels.


  • Novelis operated Europe’s only dedicated used aluminium can recycling plant in Warrington, Cheshire.  The plant has the capacity to recycle every aluminium can sold in the UK for the foreseeable future (currently 6.6 billion cans, which equates to approximately 101,000 tonnes in weight).


  • Red Bull established its business over 30 years ago in Austria.  Nowadays, Red Bull Energy Drinks are available in more than 169 countries and over 60 billions cans have been consumed so far.  To read more about Red Bull, and the lifecycle of their cans visit the websites.


  • Established in May 2020, Sipful Drinks is an ambitious, sustainability-focused drinks brand, specialising in well-balanced and all-natural canned, alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. Sipful is dedicated to becoming a zero-waste business and has partnered up with Every Can Counts to help promote recycling and the benefits of aluminium beverage packaging.



What we do

We work with people and organisations to promote can recycling. From restaurants to festivals, universities to shopping centres, offices to parks – we’re doing what we can to make sure people know they can recycle their drink cans wherever they are!

We offer free recycling packs to businesses and organisations, with everything you need to start increasing your drink can recycling right away.

We also bring inspiring and magical experiences to events and festivals that encourage attendees not only to recycle, but to think differently about the value of their empty drink can.


Collection boxes distributed


Collection sites

Who We Work With

If you want to increase your drink can recycling, then we want to work with you!

We’re always on the look out to partner with new organisations and develop great opportunities that allow people to recycle more.

Take a look at some of the groups we already work with and find out more about the support we provide.

  • We work with a range of community groups and charitable organisations across the UK who provide a social benefit through can recycling.

    These services collect used drink cans from local businesses and the activity supports the local community in various ways:

    • Raising funds for local charities through the sale of the metal collected
    • Providing meaningful workplace opportunities to people with learning disabilities and long-term health conditions
    • Supporting vulnerable people on their journey to employment, by providing valuable skills and experience

    Recycling your cans with these groups makes a difference on a social level as well as an environmental one.

    If you’d like to learn more about these groups or find out if there is one in your area, please get in touch.

    We’d also love to hear from you if you’re running your own local can collection and would like to find out more about the support Every Can Counts provides.

  • We partner with brands to promote the infinite recyclability of drink cans and increase recycling rates.

    Here are some of the ways we can support your brand:

    • Co-Branded Communications Campaigns – let’s work together to spread the recycling message further.
    • Sampling Activities – from providing can recycling boxes to on-site recycling ambassadors with can backpacks, our support helps you to ensure there are adequate recycling facilities wherever you take your brand.
    • Bespoke Event Activations – make sure you’re giving the right impression at events by working with us to raise recycling awareness.  Our event activities and art-pieces can incorporate your branding and are proven to draw in the crowds and have a lasting impact.
    • Social Media Resources – we provide messaging and graphics that help brands to communicate the recyclability of drink cans in an engaging way.
  • More and more festivals are putting the aim of reducing waste and increasing recycling at the heart of their events.  And we’re here to help!

    We offer a comprehensive range of support to event organisers to improve their recycling of drink cans, including providing branded on-site communications and activities to help spread the word.

    And why?  Because drink cans recycle forever, and every recycled can helps to save energy and preserve resources.

    We work with organisers to create fun, memorable and educational experiences that inspire attendees to recycle, and think about their drink can differently.  Here’s how we do it:

    • Iconic can cages – popular photo opportunities which allow attendees to see the progress of their recycling efforts.
    • Mobile recycling ambassadors with can recycling back packs – we go to where the cans are.
    • Recycling surveys – a chance for attendees to voice their opinions, learn about can recycling and even win a prize!
    • Can recycling rewards – incentivising can recycling by offering a range of sought-after awards to those doing the right thing.
    • Engaging on-site messaging – we’re always finding new ways to spread the recycling message and raise awareness on-site.
    • Recycling support for bars and vendors – we provide can recycling bins to ensure even more recycling at festivals and events.

    Get in touch and find out more about how we can support your event.

    Together we CAN make a difference!

  • Studying is thirsty work.  Come to think of it, teaching is thirsty work too!  That’s why we work with educational facilities of all kinds to increase their drink can recycling.

    We provide free materials including indoor recycling boxes, lids, branded liner sacks and marketing materials, to communicate the campaign.  Added to this we produce bespoke communications materials, tailored to suit your school or campus.

    If you’d like to sign up and starting making your cans count get in touch here.

  • We provide workplaces with free Every Can Counts recycling packs with everything they need to start collecting and recycling their drink cans.

    Working with your existing waste contractor, the programme is quick and easy to implement.

    Inside each pack you’ll find three Every Can Counts recycling boxes and lids, branded liner sacks, and marketing materials to help you communicate the campaign.

    Once a collection box is full, tie the bag and place the cans with your mixed dry recycling and your waste contractor will recycle the cans.

    Alternatively, if you have the space, you can collect your cans in bulk and sell them to a scrap metal merchant.  Click here to find your nearest metal merchant.

    Haven’t got a waste contractor?  You can find your nearest waste contractor by contacting your local council.  Or contact us here.

    Perhaps you would like to donate your cans to a local charity?  Get in touch here to find a charity partner near you.

    To sign up click the button in the top right of the screen, or click here.

Green Can Awards

Businesses around the UK, large and small, are using Every Can Counts to start, or improve, their recycling.  We’ve seen some great results as the programme has helped businesses work towards targets including zero waste to landfill and ISO140001 accreditation.

The Green Can Awards recognise the businesses that are going above and beyond when it comes to their drink can recycling – it’s a mark of our appreciation for your efforts to make your cans count.

Receiving a Green Can Award will help you show your staff, customers and suppliers that you mean business when it comes to recycling.

  • We’re looking for the businesses and organisations who have used Every Can Counts as a platform to encourage a positive change in recycling behaviour.  We want to celebrate their success but also use their experience to inspire other businesses and organisations to follow their example.

    To qualify for a Green Can Award you need to have signed up to the Every Can Counts programme and be able to demonstrate how you have used the programme’s communications materials to make positive changes in recycling behaviour.  Perhaps you’ve recruited a recycling champion to inspire and motivate staff, or you’ve held awareness events – however you’ve made Every Can Counts work for you, we want to hear about it.

  • Fill out our online questionnaire below and then send along with supporting materials including photos and video.  Entries can be submitted at any time.
  • If your entry is successful, you will be notified by letter along with a Green Can Award certificate (valid for 2 years) to mark your reward. You will also receive additional materials, including an e-logo, to help promote your achievement and for use in marketing and CSR evaluations.  We may also contact you to create a case study about your business’s successful recycling.


No, we provide the materials to get you started free of charge.

Every Can Counts works with your existing waste management system.  If you have a mixed dry recycling service with your waste contractor, just tie up the bag of cans and place it with your other recyclables.

If you don’t have an existing recycling service you can:

  • Look up waste contractors near you by clicking here
  • Sell your cans to a metal merchant.  Click here to see a list of metal merchants.
  • Donate the cans to one of our charity partners, contact us for details of your nearest charity partner.

If you have the space to store or bale your cans you can collect them in bulk and sell them to a scrap metal merchant.  Click here to find your nearest metal merchant.

Yes! Please supply details of where you plan to place the materials and we’ll be happy to supply them.

You do not have to crush the cans. Some organisations crush the cans to create more room in their recycling bin, but it’s entirely optional.

We lease can crushers to organisations with high volumes of cans and established Every Can Counts programmes in place.

In order to lease a can crusher we ask they’re placed in a secure venue, and covered by the venues insurance.

To check on availability contact us here.

We do not award ISO certificates.  For more information on ISO visit their website.

Every Can Counts can help contribute towards  ISO 14001 certification.


    Please contact me with details of my local collection partnerPlease send me a free starter pack

    Employees in your organisation*

    How did you hear about us?

    Are you already collecting drinks cans for recycling?


    Why we do it

    01. Metal recycles forever – all drink cans are endlessly recyclable.

    02. It takes 95% less energy to make a can from recycled metal.

    03. Metal is easily separated from other materials at recycling plants.

    04. Over 90% of drink cans collected in the UK are recycled within Europe.

    05. Recycling cans saves natural resources as well as energy and carbon emissions.

    Get Started!

    News & Events


    Every Can Counts UK

    Alupro, 1 Brockhill Court, Brockhill Lane, Redditch, B97 6RB

    Phone Number: +44 1527 597757