Prague’s Pride returned in full force this year and Každá plechovka se počítá joined forces with Coca-Cola to spread awareness about drink cans recycling and it was a big success since more than 100 kilos of drink cans were collected during the Prague Pride week hitting a recycling record in Czechia!
The giant metal heart, made for collecting beverage cans, was present for the whole week of Pride’s festivities at the Střelecký Island. And it was warmly welcomed by the crowd as it was filled more than 4 times during the week. Our recycling ambassadors were also on site with their backpacks to make drink can recycling even easier, while informing passers-by about sustainable lifestyle and the benefits of recycling.
The main event happened on Saturday, 13 August. Our partnership with Coca-Cola also brought on site a 6-meter-long Pixelata installation that was filled with the collected Coca-Cola aluminium cans. Many people took the chance and participated in the Pixelata filling process the whole day, while others stopped by and took pictures in front of it. Our recycling ambassadors were there to encourage visitors to pass by and take a look at the programme’s signature installation and recycle their empties. When the night came, our lighten Tic Tac Toe game got a lot of attention inspiring the players to recycle in a more fun and interactive way.
The activation was a great success as it helped the programme to get more visibility in Czechia, initiating a long-term alliance with the Coca Cola Company.