With the goal of increasing the recycling rate of aluminum cans in the country, our initiative in Romania encourages companies to promote recycling among employees. From restaurants to festivals, universities to shopping centres, offices and public spaces – we’re working to encourage people to recycle their drink cans wherever they are.
To raise awareness among company employees, Every Can Counts Romania makes the collection infrastructure available to those interested and actively supports communication with employees. In this regard, DN1 Value Center, a shopping center near Bucharest, joined the Every Can Counts programme to facilitate separate collection in the office area of the shopping center by installing a collection system for 5 types of waste – aluminum cans, paper, plastic, glass, household waste.

‘’We try to support as much as possible the efforts of members of ecological organizations, who are always looking for beneficial solutions for the protection of the environment. Thus, we invited colleagues from the DN1 Value Center office to be curious and brave and participate in the recycling initiative. With small or big acts, we learn to collect selectively for a greener future’’, was stated by the DN1 Value Centre.