Our initiative in Spain, Cada Lata Cuenta, joined forces with the Cadiz city council and 15 local establishments, such as Canal Horeca and Peña la Estrella, and the popular local band ‘’Las Musas’’ to make the Carnival of Cadiz more sustainable with lots of fun and creativity.

By installing 60 recycling bins for the separate collection of all recyclables, more than 680 kg of drink cans and other recyclables were collected, turning the carnival of Cadiz into a more sustainable festival. The programme’s recycling ambassadors were also there, buzzing around the city to raise awareness about the importance of aluminium can recycling and encourage carnival goers to keep outdoor spaces clean.
This recycling initiative combined both offline activations and online campaigns. And, since the Cadiz Carnival is well known for its amusing and satirical characters, our team collaborated with a local “comparsa”, Las Musas, creating a themed music video about the importance of recycling, reaching over 250,000 views on social media.