The Street Food Festival in Zemun, Serbia, was a huge success, bringing together over 15 local vendors who showcased their culinary skills and delighted visitors of all ages. It was a wonderful celebration of Belgrade’s rich food culture, but it wasn’t just about satisfying taste buds. Svaka limenka se računa was also there to highlight the importance of drinking can recycling.
Our local initiative actively participated in the festival, placing recycling bins in key locations. Also, our recycling ambassadors were equipped with signature backpacks and ready to help visitors recycle their empties on the go. At the same time, the Every Can Counts #PixelCan installation served as a visual reminder of the role recycling plays in preserving our planet. It was a call to action for all attendees to be mindful of their impact on the environment. This practical and accessible approach aimed to make recycling as convenient as possible, demonstrating that drink can recycling should be a part of our daily lives.
The recycling message was spread far and wide, reaching a diverse crowd of people from different backgrounds and ages. And with national media coverage, the efforts of Svaka limenka se računa were amplified even further. So not only was the Street Food Festival a culinary delight, but it was also an opportunity to impact the environment positively.