Pol’and’Rock Festival: Każda Puszka Cenna Rocks Recycling at Europe’s Biggest Non-for-profit Event 

Pol’and’Rock Festival: Każda Puszka Cenna Rocks Recycling at Europe’s Biggest Non-for-profit Event 

Pol’and’Rock Festival: Każda Puszka Cenna Rocks Recycling at Europe’s Biggest Non-for-profit Event  1904 568 Matina Zavoudaki

Drawing inspiration from the iconic Woodstock festival of ’69, the Pol’and’Rock Festival has become a massive gathering, attracting over half a million participants, and it’s a festival unlike any other. 

There are no entry tickets; it’s a celebration open to all, with the primary goal of expressing gratitude to those involved in Poland’s most significant charity campaign – the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation. In this spirit, our local initiative, Każda Puszka Cenna, eagerly joined the festivities for the first time, supporting the cause by collecting 10,000 cans to give back to the environment and the community.

As festival goers enjoyed the music and created meaningful connections, they also had a unique opportunity to learn about the importance of recycling drink cans through the unique setup of the Every Can Counts #PixelCan and the CANMAGEDON, an engaging obstacle course, which represents the nine stages of a drink can’s life cycle.

More than 40 musicians from Poland, Europe, the USA, and even Australia took to the stages for three thrilling days, igniting the festival with their talent. But the Pol’and’Rock festival isn’t merely about the music; it’s an occasion to make a positive impact. Our dedicated recycling ambassadors reached out to tens of thousands of festival-goers, encouraging them to recycle every drink can on the go in their signature backpacks. 

Beyond recycling, they aimed to educate attendees about the energy and resource savings achieved by recycling every aluminium can. Additionally, visitors could participate in fun debates, transforming their empty cans into votes and weighing in on topics like their favourite music genres. In a fitting finale to this remarkable event, all the drink cans collected during the festival were exchanged for brand-new balls, a generous donation that is set to bring joy and excitement to local sports clubs.