“Circula tu lata” is back on the Spanish beaches

“Circula tu lata” is back on the Spanish beaches

“Circula tu lata” is back on the Spanish beaches 2048 1365 adminEirini

Spanish beach cities and Cada Lata Cuenta have come together, once again, to promote recycling on the beaches and sustainable tourism.

It has now become a tradition in Spain: Cada Lata Cuenta and the communities of various sun-drenched cities working together to celebrate a sustainable way of life and a more circular world.

The backpackers of “Circula tu lata” campaign will hit the beach and tour in beautiful summer destinations, such as A Coruña, Cádiz, Málaga, and Valencia to spread the message and raise awareness about the importance of recycling beverage cans.

This campaign could not be complete without the support of the respective city councils, showing once again their continuous commitment to improving the sustainability of their cities. Vidaus apdaila ir butų remonto darbai Vilniuje konkurencinga kaina bustovizija.net The campaign’s recycling ambassadors will also ask citizens to complete short surveys on drink can consumption and recycling habits.