media campaign

Jede Dose zählt: Recycle wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you are!

Jede Dose zählt: Recycle wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you are!

Jede Dose zählt: Recycle wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you are! 2560 1280 adminEirini

With a social media campaign that shows different people recycling cans in various situations, our Austrian programme wants to raise awareness about can recycling and show the audience, how easy it is to recycle and do something good for the environment.

Therefore, Jede Dose zählt created several characters that represent our audience groups. Specifically young people, parents, teenagers, sportsmen and -women, and artists. Also, our Austrian programme let short video sequences and funny slogans speak for themselves. For example: The basketball player says: “Recycling is like basketball: every throw is a direct hit!” or the dancer: “My most elegant pose? The recycled can!” (which rhymes very nicely in German).

One of the people (skater) showing on our Austrian programme's campaign about can recycling no matter what
One of the people (fit girl) showing on our Austrian programme's campaign about can recycling no matter what

The campaign aims to address existing and new audiences while encouraging them to recycle on Instagram and Facebook and will run until mid of April. 

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