Kent Police Green Guardians

In 2020, Be More Like: Kent Police East Division’s Green Guardians

In 2020, Be More Like: Kent Police East Division’s Green Guardians 2560 1704 PedroUK

The beginning of a new year is an exciting time, full of resolutions to make better choices. During this month we will share some inspiring stories of those who are making a positive difference already.

Our first source of inspiration is the Kent Police East Division’s ‘Green Guardians’ team.

The team wanted to raise awareness and influence behaviour change to reduce the carbon footprint of Kent Police by upgrading the recycling facilities available to their staff. Working alongside their waste contractor, SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK, the team signed up to Every Can Counts and created dedicated recycling points at each of the six police stations in the area, to ensure waste was segregated correctly and contamination was minimised.

Fred McCormack, Detective Inspector, Kent Police said “In support of our five-year Carbon Management Plan, Kent Police Green Guardians are working hard to ensure as much of their waste is recycled as possible. Police officers and staff love their cans of pop so by ensuring every can is collected and recycled properly we hope to prevent unnecessary virgin aluminium being used in the future.”

The scheme has been so successful that the programme is being rolled out across the North and West divisions of Kent Police, as well as the Force Headquarters. The team were awarded an Every Can Counts ‘Green Can Award’ which recognises all the hard work of the officers and staff.

Julie Meeks from Every Can Counts, said: “Kent Police has taken on the Every Can Counts programme as part of their proactive approach to creating a sustainable working environment. We urge more Police stations to get involved and sign up to the free to use Every Can Counts programme.”

This year be more like Kent Police Green Guardians East Division and implement our free-to-use can recycling programme to shape the sustainability of your working environment.

Request your free starter pack NOW and start making a difference at