The Red Bull Roof Ride was held for the first time in Poland and attracted thousands of visitors to the Spodek Arena in Katowice. As lots of beverages in cans were consumed there, Every Can Counts was invited to support the event and make sure all cans are recycled.

This time our Polish team decided to create something totally new -the CANMAGEDON, a creative concept that encourages selective collection by pushing the limits, motivating, and educating people about the can recycling process.

CANMAGEDON is a race where each obstacle represents one stage from the drink can’s life cycle. Everything starts, of course, from the collection phase, by placing the can in the yellow bin. The idea of this project is to show how simple and important this act is.
With lots of people stopping by to interact with CANMAGEDON, everyone is looking forward to the next season and to more smart initiatives to promote drink can recycling!
Check the highlights: