
Fun, games, and lots of recycling at the CieszFanów Festival in Cieszanów

Fun, games, and lots of recycling at the CieszFanów Festival in Cieszanów 2560 1440 adminEirini

Każda Puszka Cenna the main ecopartner at the festival

Another festival, another opportunity to inspire people to recycle more! Our team in Poland joined the popular Cieszfanów Festival bringing various goodies with them, such as a VR recycling  game, special collection bins in the shape of the festival’s logo, and an amazing team of animators promoting recycling to over four thousand participants in this three-day event. In addition to this, all festival goers had the chance to vote with their empty aluminum cans in specially prepared containers for bands such as Kazik, Kwiat Jabłoni, Big Cyc, Jelonek, Hańba and others.

But that wasn’t all! The cans collected were weighted, with every 15 kilograms of aluminum being exchanged for sport equipment to be donated to the local school. This goes to show that with the right recycling efforts and local partnerships, not only does the environment and the earth benefit, but also the students!

It was great to see CieszFanów Festival prioritising educational activities to raise awareness about recycling.