Calle Libre

Regenerate & Recycle: Jede Dose zählt takes part in Calle Libre

Regenerate & Recycle: Jede Dose zählt takes part in Calle Libre 2560 1707 Matina Zavoudaki

For the first time, Jede Dose zählt partnered with the Calle Libre street art festival where 38 international artists from 18 countries jointly designed an area on the theme of “Regeneration”.

©Jolly Schwarz / Calle Libre

On the old Nordwestbahnhof in Vienna, where in about a year a new neighborhood will be developed, 2.500 square meters where painted with 648 liters of paint and 1.400 spray cans to address the important matter of sustainability and healthy ecosystems. With that, the festival was the perfect fit for Jede Dose zählt who participated with its first Pixelata.

 ©Jede Dose zählt / Stefan Diesner

Street art specifically, has always had a set thought process: from questioning, to criticizing, and highlighting grievances on a wide variety of socially relevant issues. Through artistic interpretation, the festival wanted to draw attention to the fact that environmental protection and ecosystem restoration should start being of relevance to all of us. It is not enough to be sustainable, now we must look at regeneration.

The visitors of the festival that was going on for a whole week were invited to join live painting sessions, workshops and guided tours. Together with concerts from local and international bands in the evenings, the festival attracted almost 20.000 people. Jede Dose zählt was not only taking part creatively, but also with a team of recycling ambassadors who informed people about can recycling and helped them understand the importance of a circular world.